The Junk behind my door
Junk Mail - someone said to me, "What's the problem - just throw it away". No, it is a problem. The danger isn't in the junk mail itself, it's in what it hides. There's always that danger that somewhere amongst all that junk, something important will be hidden and that important letter will be thrown away with the junk.This is exactly what happened this week. I was throwing out the junk adverts and offers of loans from every fucking bank in the country when I found a typed envelope which looked just like the rest of it all. I opened it just to check before I put it in the bin - not only was it important but it was old, much older than than the 28 days it gave me to respond before serious consequences ensued.
Now I hate junk mail even more than before - it isn't benign and wish nothing but ill on those who send it to me.